

"America needs to get some sleep. The prevailing culture tells us that nothing succeeds like excess, that working 80 hours a week is better than working 70, that being plugged in 24/7 is expected, and that sleeping less and multi-tasking more are an express elevator to the top. I beg to differ.

There is nothing that negatively affects our mood, our productivity, or our effectiveness more than lack of sleep. For the last few years, ever since I passed out from exhaustion, broke my cheekbone and got five stitches over my eye, I've been working on bringing more balance to my life.

To do this I've had to learn to unplug and recharge. To trade multi-tasking for uni-tasking and - occasionally - no-tasking. It's left me healthier, happier, and more able to make a difference in the world. My eyes have been opened to the value of regularly closing them."

Arianna Huffington - Editor in Chief of the Huffington Post writing in the inspiring book entitled "What Matters Now", compiled by Seth Godin.

Photo by Hedi Slimane.