Tyler Brúlé doesn’t like Twitter, but Leo Babauta (of the inspiring zenhabits.net) does. In an interview with Karen Leland he recognises Tyler’s point about noise and says:
“There is a lot of noise out there about social media right now and while social media is useful, it can also be a time suck. You have to integrate marketing time into the rest of your life.”
And then he adds:
“I’ve been experimenting with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and others. Twitter is the one I really enjoy the most. I think you have to understand that each one you use on a regular basis requires a time commitment. So I set time limits. I don’t leave my Twitter open all the time. I check it twice a day and even then I skim the messages. I also split my Twittering time into 20 minute sessions - a morning session, one after lunch and one towards the end of the day.”