
Another take on Twitter

Tyler Brúlé doesn’t like Twitter, but Leo Babauta (of the inspiring zenhabits.net) does. In an interview with Karen Leland he recognises Tyler’s point about noise and says:

“There is a lot of noise out there about social media right now and while social media is useful, it can also be a time suck. You have to integrate marketing time into the rest of your life.”

And then he adds:

“I’ve been experimenting with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and others. Twitter is the one I really enjoy the most. I think you have to understand that each one you use on a regular basis requires a time commitment. So I set time limits. I don’t leave my Twitter open all the time. I check it twice a day and even then I skim the messages. I also split my Twittering time into 20 minute sessions - a morning session, one after lunch and one towards the end of the day.”