
Wednesday, May 9: Tabloids' Headlines

It's quite a different story in the tabloids, where crime stories rule the frontpages.

The Irish Daily Mail put the picture of Paisley and McGuiness (under the headline 'The picture we thought we'd never live to see'), but the main story was about a death of a newborn baby: 'Baby 'drowned in birth pool'
Irish Daily Mirror and Evening Herald went with stories on raids in jail cells of gangsters. The headlines were 'Crimelords stripped in their cells' (Mirror) and 'Gilligan has cell phone seized' (Herald). It seems that crime still sells papers.

So does Roy Keane as The Irish Sun put 'Phoney Stan & Roy war' on its frontpage. Roy Keane refuses to talk to Steve Staunton and only sends him texts. Is it really so surprising in the age when 160 characters of a single text message is often our absolute limit? And Roy Keane always struck me as a man of few words.

And so to the Irish Daily Star. We can see Paisley and McGuinnes squished into the corner (with 'Grin and share it' headline), but the main story is once again crime-related. 'Thugs ruined my big day' says Margaret Darby whose wedding party was attacked by thugs.

End of post.

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